The album has been out now, formally, since March 27th, 2021. I am so proud of this baby. The collection of songs, many of which were co-written with Gabriel Beaudoin (my guitarist and musical soulmate) are among the best songs of my career. The title of this album suggests the pandemic. The thing is, it was named in late 2018… …read more.

New Video Release: “Broken Thing”
The new website design features a screen shot from this video, conceived of and created by Gabriel Beaudoin, the amazing Québecois guitarist (and human) I work with here in China. This was Gabriel’s first video project and — holy crap! He really went to work on learning special effects, which included the complicated insertion of slowed down (and later reversed)… …read more.

New Video Release: “I Don’t Love You”
What better day to launch a new video with that title than Valentine’s Day? Not that I’m a hater of love… but this song is about the delusions of love, especially by those who just don’t hear you when you say… Here’s what my first reviewer had to say about it: Please help me share this around if you… …read more.

Party Legends Theme Song 515e
I’ve done a lot of interesting jobs throughout this period of coronavirus lockdown. Thanks to my home studio, lots of audio work continues to come in and one of these interesting jobs is what you can hear in the video above. I recorded this in February, during the most intense period of the virus lockdown here in China. Basically, I… …read more.

Corona Update from Beijing
Jan 31st, 2020 I have received so many worried messages from friends that I thought perhaps a proper blog was in order. I’ll give you a glimpse of my life here in Beijing especially now that the Corona Virus (capital letters intentional) has taken over as the omnipotent leader to whom all must bow… Okay, there it is. My opinion… …read more.

Stuart Knight Podcast Live
After returning from Canada and several great shows in my home country, including the Mundial Conference and an afternoon unique live performance (both music and interview) with Stuart Knight in Toronto, I am happily home in Beijing. But recently, a podcast I recorded with (the same) Stuart Knight this past summer, 2019, has now gone live on their site. It… …read more.
Press Album
11:11 Chinese Version 羡慕嫉妒恨 (admiration, jealousy, hate) 老外 (laowai/foreigner) 我深深爱上了你 (i’ve fallen in love with you) 黑色的寂静 (swallow black silence) 水 (wash water 来自空气 (out of air)*英文歌词 加油 (you can do it) 我想一想 (i wish i may) 甜蜜蜜 (oh so sweet) 时间停留在这儿 (i could stay here) Pēk Download the Chinese version English Version out of air (来自空气) blinding light (使人眩目的光)… …read more.
Similar to the workshop above but without the focus on women, Ember Swift chronicles the arrival of Western music in China and how it has merged with traditional sounds of Chinese instrumentation and the Chinese scale. As “rock” music has only been in China for just over twenty years, these stories are recent and the first wave of Chinese rock… …read more.
In this lecture/Q&A-style workshop, Ember speaks about various journeys to China (both pre and post Olympics) and highlights the historical trajectory of women’s role in the music industry throughout the past several decades (post-Mao opening of China until modern day). Having conducted over a dozen unique interviews, including an interview with a member of the first all-female rock band in… …read more.