Women in China Magazine

I have only been writing for this magazine for about six months and I’m really enjoying it. Soon, I will scan and upload the .pdfs from the magazine. Stay tuned! COMING SOON!

Mami Magazine

I’ve been writing for Mami Magazine for 4 years now as they approached me to document my pregnancy with Echo and then hired me to continue to write a monthly post about parenting in a cross-cultural family. When I became pregnant with Paz, they asked me to resume my pregnancy columns as well. All in all, this has been a…   …read more.

Beijing Kids Magazine

For the past four years, Ember Swift has been a columnist at Beijing Kids Magazine. She writes about family life in Beijing, raising two children of mixed heritage, and how the city and culture influence her life. These columns, entitled “The Echo Chamber,” have been very well-received by Beijing Kids readership. In 2015, she was invited to go from a…   …read more.

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