Spring Changes

Final Thought, June 2013

There are so many changes in the air.

On Saturday, June 8th, we performed our final show in Beijing with our fantastic drummer, Zac Courtney. Zac and his family are moving back to Australia and we are on the hunt for a new drummer for our Beijing band. I celebrate this move for his family, but he will be so missed. What will become of our Beijing band? Well, there are some plans in the works, but first we have to find the right people to make it happen. By the fall, we hope to be back up and running. And, of course, there’s always the chance that I can convince Cheryl to move to Beijing once and for all!

My sister is scheduled to deliver her second child–my second nephew–on the weekend and I can’t wait to hear about his safe arrival and the new addition to our family. It will be so exciting to have another baby to watch grow into a little man. This kind of change is so incredibly exciting! Echo will have a new cousin!

The hot and dry weather turned this week in Beijing with four straight days of rain. The garden has four cucumber plants and four tomato plants that are so grateful for this burst of hydration. I can’t wait to see how they will change after I’ve been away for six weeks. We have a friend coming to water them throughout the (likely) dry patches of summer heat that will return to Beijing. So, don’t worry! They’ll get their supply of watery beverage. I look forward to coming home to some organic veggies on my balcony.

And there’s another big EXCITING change around the corner that I am not yet able to announce, but please “like” my music page on Facebook if you haven’t already and I will post this wonderful news within the next seven days. Sorry to leave you hanging, but I have just a bit of “housekeeping” to do before the news can be made public.

So, now that I’ve left you on your toes, I’ll leave you with this quote that I’ve always loved, especially dedicated to the birthing of new:

“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.” -C. S. Lewis

I hope to see you in Canada this summer!


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