Knocked Up Abroad

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“The writers of Knocked Up Abroad are brave and adventurous in this heart-warming, emotional, and fascinating anthology. With a fearless spirit, they welcomed babies into the world under somewhat incredible circumstances. Go on a journey around the world as 21 mothers and two dads vividly describe their foreign environments and how they learned to thrive in a new country.

These stories take place in 24 different countries and span several continents to highlight the infinite ways in which babies are welcomed into the world. Knocked Up Abroad provides a glimpse of the wide range of experiences women face when giving birth and raising their children in a foreign culture, language, and environment. Each story is as unique as the child being born.”  (More information: visit

Ember’s story is about the Chinese tradition of “Zuo Yuezi 坐月子” or the “moon month.” It’s a humorous comparative between her two births: that of her daughter in Beijing in 2012 and her son in Canada in 2013. One review of the anthology singled out Ember’s writing with rave reviews:

“Ember Swift can write. The toughest prose to write is just that kind of clipped, un-ornamented honest description without sounding like someone who has read A Farewell To Arms two hundred times too many. I certainly can never say that I have ‘discovered’ any writers as they knew they were there before I ever came across them, yet I am thrilled that the young woman with a guitar ten years ago is a cracker-jack prose writer today.” — Hubert O’Hearn, San Diego Book Review

If you’re interested in hearing more about the anthology and a one-hour interview of Ember Swift by Hubert O’Hearn on the blog “Thoughts, Comments, Opinions” for the San Diego Book Review, please visit this link.


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