We're Almost There

She had been crying on and off for the last 100kms. No amount of singing or reassurance or stopping to give her a quick cuddle would inspire her to sleep. It was long past her bedtime. We were coming up on the last leg of the journey on a country road heading back “home” to my parent’s house—our retreat space….   …read more.

The “Where-To-Birth” Drama

For my last birth, I toured the birthing facilities at the painstakingly-chosen hospital before my bump had even taken shape. This time, it took until I was 36 weeks along for the decisions to be finally made regarding the birth—the where, the how, the who, etc. Why so late? Let me chronicle this drama: You see, we were hoping to…   …read more.

How Bumps Differ

Every woman has a different pregnancy because every woman’s body is different. But, every pregnancy is different too, which points to the influence of the baby on these things, obviously. Every fetus is different from the last. So, the child rules the roost in here! (Of course!) Here’s my list of comparisons between my two pregnancies, something I find quite…   …read more.

Fire Feet

My older cousin has just explained hot flashes to me—the need to suddenly tear off your clothes, she said, fling open the window and hang half-naked out into the wind in the wintertime. It feels like your blood boiling from the inside like it’s being microwaved without your permission, she said, wide-eyed. I am listening, laughing. We are sitting at…   …read more.

Preggers in Hong Kong: The Student Story*

I wedge myself into one the seats with portable mini-desk surfaces coming out of one of the plastic arms. There is a room of them—black, hard poured plastic chairs—that support the backs and behinds of the students in this program, a class of faces I have never met. It is the first day of the fall session for a program…   …read more.

The Final Big Belly Gig

  *Written October 17th, Posted October 18th* Tonight is my last performance of the season…. and the next. There will be no winter shows this year due to this second round of baby-making. Tonight’s concert is the last until spring. Today’s show is making me think of a show two years ago at the end of October in the same…   …read more.

2nd Baby: How China Responds

I am pregnant with a second child here in Beijing, China. In contrast, I am surrounded by a country of people who, if they have had a child at all, have only ever had one. This is the land of the “one child policy” and, since 1979, families have been relegated to this population control method. As a result, I’m…   …read more.

Pregger Libido

When our bodies start making another human body, the process is so complex that it’s no wonder we’re exhausted. As this is my second pregnancy, I’m surprised that I’d forgotten this fact. I’m currently 6 months along and so for the past half a year, I’ve found myself wanting to nod off at 10pm or falling asleep the moment my…   …read more.

Pee-Pee Oops!

Well, this is probably the most embarrassing blog I’ve ever written. I’m a modest person at the best of times, but I am pushing myself through this because it’s something that I think pregnant women don’t talk about. And we should. So, it goes like this. In pregnancy, I have this problem. It’s my second pregnancy, so it’s the second…   …read more.

I'm not FAT, I'm pregnant!

Today, while talking to a dear friend on Skype, I was telling her how grateful I am not to be having monthly check-ups at a Chinese hospital. Who needs the constant probing, testing and ultrasounds when I know things are progressively normally? He’s swimming around in there and kicking me all the time. The second time around has its bonuses,…   …read more.

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