Pre-Production, Demystified

How does an artist build a body of work in the pre-production stage? It’s the end of the Chinese New Year holidays and people keep asking me what I’ve been up to during my time off. My standard answer is the truth: I’ve been focused on the pre-production stage of my new album project. My non-musician friends often follow that…   …read more.

The Red Thread

New Year, New Work It’s been awhile since I’ve written in here, but I think there’s a reason for that. In this stupid, self-obsessed social media world in which we live, I just grew weary of thinking that any of the minutiae of my life was worth showcasing or broadcasting, as though any of it matters (which it doesn’t), especially…   …read more.

Memoir Update

I’m in “stage 2” edits with my memoir project that will be published through Oghma Creative Media. A lot of people have been asking me when the book will actually be available. Well, thanks to the recent ‘pause button’ that the coronavirus pressed in all our worlds, I’ve had the chance to focus on this editing stage in a very…   …read more.

Stitches: Memoir Excerpt

This excerpt appeared in “Asia Literary Review: No.32 Winter 2016” as well as in the Anthology entitled “Afterness: Literature from the New Transnational Asia” published in Hong Kong by After-Party Press in 2016: ***** STITCHES by Ember Swift   My mother-in-law, Wang Wei, has a key to our flat. She moved to Beijing when I was very pregnant with Echo,…   …read more.


After my last blog, I received so many messages and emails (yes, some still use that format!) and I’m sorry that I just couldn’t get back to anyone in a timely manner. I’m a single mom! Life gets hectic. The most commonly asked questions were these: So when (or) are you moving back to Canada? What happened with your in-laws?…   …read more.

It’s official: I have an MFA

This arrived in the mail yesterday. I had just come through the door after several hours at my local “office” (aka: a nearby cafe) doing some paid writing work. Nearly 3-year-old Pazzy was tugging on my sleeve to play “train tracks” with him but my jacket wasn’t even off yet. My boots were only half unlaced. My mother-in-law was there,…   …read more.

The Memoir Project

Last December, I posted the above picture on Facebook and announced that I was done my memoir. Three and a half years of working on the beast–a huge project that was connected to my Masters degree in (MFA in Creative Writing) from The City University of Hong Kong–and I had a first draft ready by December 15th, much to my…   …read more.

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