Beijing Kids Magazine

BejingKidsMagazineFor the past four years, Ember Swift has been a columnist at Beijing Kids Magazine. She writes about family life in Beijing, raising two children of mixed heritage, and how the city and culture influence her life.

These columns, entitled “The Echo Chamber,” have been very well-received by Beijing Kids readership. In 2015, she was invited to go from a bi-monthly columnist to a monthly contributor, increasing her contributions by 50%.

Ember Swift will continue to write for Beijing Kids Magazine and really enjoys the opportunity to be published monthly in such a well-known, long-standing and respected publication.

To view some of Ember’s recent columns, please visit the links below:

May, 2019: No Specific Geography Required: Raising Third Culture Kids

…. (and many in between!) …

June, 2016: Thunderstorms & Fireworks

May, 2016: Creative Resurgence: Spring Brings Renewal and Optimism

March, 2016: Packing Tape To The Rescue: How I Learned To Love The Ultimate Fixer-Upper

February, 2016: To China With Love: A Relationship Deepened Over Time

April, 2015: Reality Check: Redefining the Modern Chinese Family, One Televised Appearance at a Time


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